If you’re living somewhere close to the seaside or in a country where 3-digit days of sunshine a year is pretty much regular (yes, did you know that over 200 days of sunshine a year is a metric Southern France, Italy or pretty much anywhere in Spain have quite enough of?) well, in that case ‘wearing colour’ isn’t necessarily a style statement, it’s merely part of the street decor, you’ll just be taken for a local (just be careful not to mix too many bright colours in one go, it’s not an all-year-round Christmas after all:).
However, if 3-digit days of sunshine a year is somewhat questionable in your area then colour-matching would be a wanna-have feature of your seasonal wardrobe. Reason that made me write this post is a new Autumn collection from one of my favourite ‘colourful’ designers – Salvatore Ferragamo. So what I’ll do below is attach a few of the more recent show pics from the catwalk. Let’s then compare with some other designer collections – my list of preferred colourful looks just after Salvatore’s new collection images:
Needless to say I’m a big fan of emerald green, have a look above at the sheer abundance of it – shoes, skirts and even bags..
My favourite look from the above – the one in the middle! Somewhat reminds me of the parisian Amélie flair – classy, chic and..ageless (inclined as well towards a green grass bag theme which I’m particularly fond of):
You got it, to me this style would perfectly suit one of my fave actresses of all times:) – Audrey Tautou!:
And since I’ve still been referring to Salvatore’s collection – have a look below at his new flagship clutch, a combo of a multi-coloured pallet to suit most enticing green grass bags (you can see that green grass is a lead colour below):
and here they come, my list of preferred colour choices this Autumn amongst…bags & shoes!:
So what do you think? Is your wardrobe worth some quality or else – inspirational colour ‘uploads’? For one these surely won’t do any harm other than lift up your mood at any time: who said these are just evening time choices? Daywear is in need of colour nonetheless! In any case I’ve now added a little more extra to my wardrobe wishlist, which as usual – I’ll be aiming to fulfil in time. Not all at once, otherwise there might not be much room for inspiration, don’t you think?:)
Speak soon x