Autumn – Winter Bags

Sneak Peaks from the Preview Events:

Summer has only just made its way through the cloudy skies yet retailers are already filling in their autumn-winter stocks, most of which were already proudly displaying some of their favourite pieces open to the public eye for a limited time only during the A/W Preview events.  I’ve chosen a few sneak peaks to help you spot trends and some of the key pieces which might fit your precious ‘little’ wardrobes:

The first look below shows the window-pane checks of both the bag and the shoes, quite an effective mix & match solution, have a look:

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If you’re used to create a little stir around with a few singular drops of colour to spread out some contrast, the below should get you on your heels and all prepared for a fruitful day in the office or a relaxing afternoon out:
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Where to get your inspirations from? I’ve just had a quick look for you: 
This dress can now be found on for £208, down from £298 (limited time 30% discount):
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If you’re looking to get a matching bag, here’re a few options from NewLook’s Preview event (no price tags available yet, soon to come in stores):

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Some of my own favourite dresses in a window-pane checks fabric is the below piece coming from AXParis for only £25 – that’s when stylish doesn’t have to be ‘complicated’:):
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That’s not it, there’s also a quirky solution for the day-in-the-office via a classic hybrid bag emulating a back-pack triangle shape, also in window-pane checks fabric – a suggestion for the A/W styles from New Look:
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Moving on the brighter side of the autumn winter looks and collections I’ve picked the below leather tote bag matched with a colour-blocking accessory:

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in the same trend, have a look for colour matches: lime green for the bag coupled with the electric blue shoes:
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All in all – very effective for a night out, isn’t it?
Last but not least a rather sporty look relying on daring silver – both for shoes and for matching back-packs:
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Just about to finalize when I’ve spotted amongst my pics the below pastel look, couldn’t help but share:
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As for the look mix & match, here’s a quick fit:
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Hope you’ve enjoyed our selections, have a look and if there’s anything else you might have spotted for the A/W looks : don’t keep these to yourself, rather get your trend-setting pics/notes to share around, would be great to get more pre-autumn fashion preps, au-revoir!

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