Imagine living the story and not quite any story – pick a story of your choice: what would have been inspiring your ‘childhood fantasy journeys’? Surely there should have been plenty of characters you’d now look back at in time wanting to get a glimpse of ‘what would it be like if I’d be …’ – and your childhood memory brings back a myriad of associations of beloved novel characters, or actors from favourite movies, models etc.
As it’s the eve of this year’s Halloween night it would be quite a suitable case to think of stories! err.. meaning fairy tale ones! For me the one that’s full of colour, transformative magic-lead experiences and most mysterious yet very suggestive characters – is the story surrounding the playful Alice and her juicy ‘wonderland’:)
I didn’t have to travel back in time though, enough to say I had a few ‘representative accessories’ at hand to help me get the ‘wanna-be’ entrance ticket to Alice’s screening set , have a look at the few shoots below – what do you think helps get through the story part?
Obviously some may suggest I’ve first got the Cheshire cat on the way in whispering a few lines and then borrowing me his ..mask:), however I’ve also got myself another playful tool to get few more inspirations for shootings taken later in the day – a classy Vendula Handbag with some of the quirkiest Alice’s charmes which if taken off seem to get Alice out of her wonderland while when kept on seem to keep revealing her story in stages..
So I’ve dropped the mask off and walked though some of the story lines I’ve allowed myself to put together in my own thinking:
When it’s Neither Hot nor too Warm:) One needs to be prepared to walk through a ‘wonderland’ path!
Standing in front of the All-mighty entrance gate:) What if it doesn’t Open? Thoughts aside, it always does if you whisper the right code..
Told you! It just opened!
Hmm.. this feeling never fails. These are just the right ingredients!
Time to get the mask back on! Off to the next story setting..
Here we go. I’m quite in a playful mood now, needless to say I’ve enjoyed the screening and why not – a little bit of the acting part:) What’s stopping us to do that from time to time though? Clearly not much, just a few moments of fun, good mood and determination to have the day spent to its best!
Don’t forget to – Have fun!
Nadya @Bagstowear
Big Thank you to Vendula Handbags for being part of our story setting!